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2022 PSLE Oral Exam Day 2

Views : 3554
Update time : 2022-08-16 16:52:34




一家人在吃饭,爸爸从一堆书里拿出了澳大利亚的旅游介绍书,里面还有袋鼠,小男孩说他想去看袋鼠,妈妈和哥哥点点头,问小男孩什么时候有时间,小男孩子走到一旁的桌子上,从文件夹里拿出了日历和时间计划表,发现他只有两天有空,所以只好打消了去澳大利亚的念头,并改成在1228号和29号去圣淘沙游玩。 小男孩听后很高兴,脸上露出了笑容。













在假期期间,我想去海边, 因为海边的景色不仅优美,而且我们还可以骑自行车,锻炼身体。在海边,还有很多美食,我们运动完后可以享受美味的食物,例如新鲜的海鲜。我们可以和家人,朋友在海边一起度过快乐的时光,增进我们的友情和亲情。所以在假期期间,我会想去新加坡的海边。



2022 English Oral Test Real Questions:

The picture shows a timetable on the whiteboard, saying do homework from 3 pm to 5 pm, relax from 5 pm-6 pm, and dinner at 6 pm. However, the boy is still playing the video game at 3:30 pm.

1Do you think what he did is correct?
No, I don’t think what he did is correct. This is because his timetable on the whiteboard states that he must do his homework between 3:00 pm and 5:00 pm. but on the digital clock on the wall, it is 3:30 pm yet he is still playing his games. I think this boy’s time management skills are very poor because he does not follow his plans at all. 

2. Do you think it is important for the child to have a timetable?

No, since he does not follow the timetable, what is the use of making a timetable? I had also poor time management skills last time, when my parents went to Thailand, they specifically told me to do my homework. But I still did not do it. When they came back, they were very disappointed. I was disappointed in myself. Instead of doing my homework, I was playing online games. That year, my parents gifted me a watch for my birthday to remind me of the importance of time management. In a nutshell, no, I don’t think it is important for this child to have a timetable.

However, it is important to have a timetable for me. A timetable is very important as it helps me to keep my time well. It allows me to perform different tasks at different times. It also gives me a time limit to finish a different task. It helps me to develop time-keeping habits and keeps me on task. 

3. Do you have any experience of online learning? 

Yes. I had the experience of online learning. During the circuit breaker, schools were shut down and we all must do home-based learning. Everything had to be done through Zoom, SLS, google meet and Ezhishi, etc. it was troublesome as we had to remember passwords and usernames. We also couldn’t meet our friends and teacher. It was a hard time, and I am glad it is over. 

4. What did you do in the online class?

We discussed different subjects, Chinese, English, Maths, and Science. We discussed the different chapters of science, such as the plant transport system and circulatory system, and took down notes. Mostly I was going through composition and paper corrections. For Maths, we talked about angles in geometric figures and did questions while for English, we went through oral tips such as PEEL and PREP. 

5. How do you stay safe online?

We must make sure the link we are clicking on is secured. So that there aren’t viruses and hackers that are trying to steal information of our personal details. You must also make sure that the “friends” we make online are sincere and true. Why I say this is because hackers might try to befriend you and ask for your personnel information and might have your account and steal money and important information. 

6. Do you think learning online is good? What should you/friends look out for in online learning? 

I think learning online is good for students. As if we are unclear about how to do our assignment, we can easily search on Google, as there is a lot of information that is found instead of spending a lot of time flipping through books. Besides, we can send messages to our teacher for help. But sometimes learning online is not good as we might get distracted and start doing something unrelated to our assignment. 

We should take note of the time when we are online, for example, if we are playing on our electronic devices, we might lose a game and get frustrated, resulting in us continuously playing and forgetting the time, which makes us waste a lot of time. 

In a nutshell, I think there are advantages and disadvantages to online learning. 





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